Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Essay Example for Free

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Essay rganizational goals: Mr. Stonefield, when choosing applicants that will be suitable matches for your limousine service can be accomplish by ensuring that you hire those individual that share similar views, values, and beliefs. By doing this you will not only benefit the company, you will see greater productivity from your employees and most of all loyal, long-term employees that express their satisfaction. If both Mr. Stonefield (the business) and the employee parallel in their thoughts, views, and strategic goals, there will be an aspiration for each individual to see through to the needs of their coworkers as well as the desire to see the business survive and thrive. Mr. Stonefield you will find that an employee will be loyal and give there 100%. Forecasted demographic changes: An analysis of projected workforce needs for the next 5 years will need to be based on the businesses goals as well as demographic changes to both the work force, economy as well as industrialization. By identifying and following the trends of the economy, work force and unemployment rates will assist the business in predicting changes to come. By knowing these trends Landslide Limousine Services may be able to stay one step ahead of its competitors. Workforce diversity objectives: In order for Landslide Limousine Services business to be triumphant and survive the initial start-up, the workforce must be diverse enough to compliment the targeted market and consumer base. With the marriage of the employees and the business goals it shows the consumers of this passenger transportation business that Landslide Limousine Services are striving to match individual interests. A survey and gain insight as to their patrons’ views and patterns. Drivers and chauffeurs will be able to customize and individualize the service they offer by knowing  their clientele. An example that comes to mind would be: a client is in Austin for business. This client enjoys theater productions. If a driver knows the likes and dislikes of his or her client then they can do research on what productions are happening during their clients stay and offer the information about what is going on in Austin. It is the belief that there are three elements in setting the motion for Mr. Stonefield’s business: First, Landslide Limousine should establish a strong commitment to the diversity in the workplace. This commitment needs to begin at the top and weaved within and through all employees who work for the company. It is advisable that Landslide’s senior and upper management model the behavior therefore showing that they are in full support and respect of diversity in the workplace. Second, Landslide will need to understand and gain a precise insight to the businesses eagerness to move forward and keeping in touch with up to date demographics of the industry and the cultural diversity. Mr. Stonefield and his team must develop a workforce profile. By doing this they will gain an understanding of the workforce and the potential hiring pool. By profiling the workforce and the potential hiring pool allows for complete diversity that will be beneficial to all crucial positions and organizational elements. By researching and monitoring trends and workforce reports published quarterly and annually are great resources and sources of data in regards to employment movement. Researching social networks and potential employees can prove to be useful when making employment decisions and offers. Affirming that the employee are of the caliber both personally and professionally that Landslide wants as part of the team. The outcome would be gaining a professional and a precise view of a company’s demographic profile. By combining and comparing this information will assist in planning and Landslide’s workforce model. This information will also assist Landslide in predicting potential future prospects for recruitment, hiring, and retention. Organizational branding: Landslide unlike any other business will need to frequently examine and revisit their organizations corporate strategy, mission, image, and activities which will contribute to their organizational branding. Organizational branding is what a business exclusive and distinctive. This in itself will create distinguishing factors that will set itself apart from the competitors. By using and exploiting these methods and procedures, Landslide will be able to place its  professionalism, persona and look in the mind of its clientele, potential clients and employees and thus creating and establishing an image that is transparent in wh at Landslide is and why it exists. Methods for recruiting candidates: Initially, due to the fact that Landslide is a new business Mr. Stonefield will not be able to utilize the method of internal sourcing. However once the business is established and services are rendered Landslide will then be able to incorporate the process of internal sourcing for recruiting candidates. Internal sourcing consists of posting the vacated or new position in an easily and highly visible area within a business for current employees to view. Internal sourcing is a very valuable tool to use as it utilizes the internal candidate pool and is a cost saving measure for the business as current employees are at present employees of the company and is acquainted and accustomed to the culture of the business and allows the employee a feeling of â€Å"climbing the ladder† thus creating success for the employee as there will be little to no training and orientation for the new position. There is a potential disadvantage to internal sourcing, there may be a chance of stagnation as it does not allow for the potential for fresh new ideas that external sourcing may bring. Therefore it would be post haste of the marketing department to keep up with changes in the market and knowing what other similar businesses are doing. As stated above another potential recruiting method is external sourcing. External sourcing focusing on utilizing outside sources for advertising for candidates. Landslide may want to advertise job openings and postings in the newspapers, local papers, Craig’s list, online,- internet job services, use local job boards and trade publication announcements. Examples of online job posting sites are LinkedIn, Craig’s List, Texas Job Services, and External sourcing has many advantages as it is not limited to a captive audience, meaning current employees. It also allows for new views, thoughts and ideas in this ever changing business market and workforce. External sourcing also has its disadvantages, that starting with a new employee means cost are incurred to train and orient them. It will take time for the new hire to learn the culture, ins and outs of the business. There needs to be a screening process during the initial application process that will screen out the individuals that would not be a fit for the company as well as screen out those individuals that would be a  fit the company and its organizational culture. Another option is third-party sourcing. This sourcing makes use of job placement agency to find qualified job candidates. The similar recruiting processes are used for third-party Sourcing as does external sourcing. However, one major difference is that a job placement agency is not a direct part of Landslide business itself. Landslide contracts with job placement agency(ies) to help identify potential qualified candidates. Third-party sourcing has its advantages: it will save Landslide time and funds by identifying qualified candidates. Another advantage is that Landslide may be able to minimize their human resources department so that HR employees can focus on hiring and training of the new hires. Dependent on the turnover rate of the company’s employees, Landslide may want to entertain the idea of identifying when hiring should be made. This may be a process that is identified after one to two years of operations. By pinpointing norming and trends within the business will assist in recognizing when there is a higher need to fill positions. If possible to limit the times of hiring to only a certain period of time(s) during the year. Landslide will want to take into consideration its growth and level of employee turnover as well as the cost of contracting with a hiring agency that it may be appropriate to fluctuate between internal and external sourcing. There are also a number of other potential avenues of recruiting potential employees such as recruiting individuals that are retired and of retirement ages, contacting vocational rehabilitation services to employ individuals with disabilities, college fairs, job fairs and high school vocational classes. Methods for screening candidates: There and multiple steps in the screening process. The initial screening conducted is during the internal, external sourcing the process is quick and unrefined selection method. Candidates submit applications and references. This screening process reviews the application, references and conducts background checks as well as interviews. Selection of candidates is time intensive as its process is more detailed and comprehensive than the initial screening. The actual selection process gives HR and the hiring managers a fuller view and insight of candidates by observing the individuals behavior. This behavioral screening can be obtained via having the candidate partake in a number of assessments such as job skills test and face to face interviews and gathering information as to the candidates’  character through reference and background checks. Interview methods: There are many types of interview methods that Landslide could use. However the below are some suggested methods: 1) The first being a behavior-based interview: Through behavior-based interviews, Landslide will be able to gain insight about the candidate by asking scenario based or direct questions describing examples and situations they may have experienced and how they handled themselves. These interview questions give light to behaviors in past employment(s) allowing Landslide to potentially predict future behaviors. 2) Situational Interviews: Having candidate answer interview questions of a hypothetical nature. Testing procedures: Below are various testing method suggestions: 1) Ability tests: Tests the mental clerical, mechanical, physical, or technical ability to perform the essential functions of the job. 2) Knowledge tests: Measures candidates’ job-specific knowledge about the position. 3) Personality Inventories: Due to the need for some of Landslide’s personnel to be extraverted. For example an extremely introverted individual may not be a good match in driving individuals to and from their destinations. The position involve one on one human interaction. 4) Performance/Work sample tests: Test the candidate on actual work environment and performance. Interview process considerations: 1.Landslide should avoid illegal discrimination: As Mr. Stonefield stated he expects to hire 25 employees. It will be imperative that Landslide develop a working knowledge of all anti-discrimination laws and rules. Federal law prohibits discriminating on the basis of race, gender, pregnancy, national origin, religion, disability, and age. However Landslide will also become knowledgeable of local and state requirements to protect against discrimination. 2.Applicants have a right to privacy it is advisable that Landslide avoid asking questions that would infringe rights to privacy. Such questions are about race, parentage and marital status 3.Landslide must follow federal and state guidelines and rules in regards to hiring immigrants. Landslide should ensure that they hire individuals that are documented citizens or legal aliens. Applicants must complete federally  required documents such as I-9’s and W-4’s with supporting evidence. Landslide must make copies and inspect employee provided supporting documents to make sure they are legal and binding. Methods for selecting candidates: Since Landslide is a new business in the Austin, Texas area that they should start with advertising their job openings. The applicant selection begins through recruitment, either external sourcing or third party sourcing. At this point all resumes and applications are screened for only those qualified to continue to the next step. Those candidates are then interviewed. The next step begin with making contact with the applicant by telephone asking the applicant to commit to an in person interview. This initial telephone contact is one of many first impressions. Once the applicant interviews and passes they go forward to the testing portion of the hiring process. Building diversity within Landslide Limousine Services will be extremely important. This will potentially widen the clientele base worldwide. When a client knows that the business is multilingual and culturally savvy. The clients will respect and patron Landslides services over and over again. Landslide will also be viewed as being a diverse workplace that honors all races and ethnicities. Various laws that must be considered when hiring – especially in a diverse workforce would be: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Family and the Medical Leave Act of 1993 and Sexual Harassment. References Cascio, Wayne F. (2013). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (Ninth Edition). New York, NY. University of Phoenix (2013). Week Six Difficult Concepts. Retrieved on Saturday, December 14, 2013 at:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Platos Republic :: essays research papers

Why do men behave justly? Is it because they fear societal punishment? Are they trembling before notions of divine retribution? Do the stronger elements of society scare the weak into submission in the name of law? Or do men behave justly because it is good for them to do so? Is justice, regardless of its rewards and punishments, a good thing in and of itself? How do we define justice? Plato sets out to answer these questions in the Republic. He wants to define justice, and to define it in such a way as to show that justice is worthwhile in and of itself. He meets these two challenges with a single solution: a definition of justice that appeals to human psychology, rather than to perceived behavior. Plato’s strategy in the Republic is to first explicate the primary notion of societal, or political, justice, and then to derive an analogous concept of individual justice. In Books II, III, and IV, Plato identifies political justice as harmony in a structured political body. An ideal society consists of three main classes of people—producers (craftsmen, farmers, artisans, etc.), auxiliaries (warriors), and guardians (rulers); a society is just when relations between these three classes are right. Each group must perform its appropriate function, and only that function, and each must be in the right position of power in relation to the others. Rulers must rule, auxiliaries must uphold rulers’ convictions, and producers must limit themselves to exercising whatever skills nature granted them (farming, blacksmithing, painting, etc.) Justice is a principle of specialization: a principle that requires that each person fulfill the societal role to which nature fitted h im and not interfere in any other business. At the end of Book IV, Plato tries to show that individual justice mirrors political justice. He claims that the soul of every individual has a three part structure analagous to the three classes of a society. There is a rational part of the soul, which seeks after truth and is responsible for our philosophical inclinations; a spirited part of the soul, which desires honor and is responsible for our feelings of anger and indignation; and an appetitive part of the soul, which lusts after all sorts of things, but money most of all (since money must be used to fulfill any other base desire). The just individual can be defined in analogy with the just society; the three parts of his soul achieve the requisite relationships of power and influence in regard to one another.

Monday, January 13, 2020

American Revolution Vs. French Revolution

A revolution is defined as an overthrow or repudiation through replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. While there have been numerous revolutions throughout the course of history, the two most arguably prominent revolutions remain to be the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Thus, this discourse will show an analysis of the two revolutions by comparing and contrasting them with one another. In order to be able to do this, it is important to first understand the motives behind each revolution.Then, the main differences and similarities between these two revolutions will be explained. Lastly, I will be concluding this discourse by stating the relevance of its implications to this very day. American Revolution and the French Revolution For centuries humanity has been both a witness and a player in the countless wars and battles that have encapsulated this world. The reason and justifications for these conflicts are countless in nu mbers. There are revolutions waged for power. There are also wars fought for wealth.There are battles engaged for territory. There are even struggles and encounters over love. Amidst all of these rationales or excuses most people have in order to fight, the most admirable and morally justified are those revolutions fought for freedom. Sometimes, when looking at the world from a certain perspective, people realize that each society and each person fight a constant never-ending struggle. Each one may fight to live, to survive, to be successful, to be accepted, to be loved, to be trusted and most important of all, to be freed.Freedom, no matter how brief or insignificant it may seem, can thoroughly change a person and a country forever. A lot of people know and accept this by heart because of their beliefs and because of history. Therefore, it is the essence of this discussion to set the spotlight on the American and French revolutions which paved the way in rewriting and redefining th e very notions of freedom and oppression in the world. The American Revolution The American Revolution was movement that effectively ended British Control and signalled the birth of a new nation, the United States of America.While the precise beginnings of the American Revolution remain highly debated, there are many reasons behind the revolution. One of the primary factors that prompted the American Revolution was the growing support for the political ideology of â€Å"republicanism†, which basically became the goal for most colonists during that time (Palmer, 1959). The taxes that the British Crown levied upon America also added to the growing resentment against the crown and strengthened the â€Å"republican† ideals of overthrowing corruption and the unjust government.Another major reason why the American Revolution started was because of the fact that the British were not including the Americans in the decisions that were being taken for the taxation proceeds from the citizens or the Americans who felt that they were not being asked to participate in important decisions (Blanco 757). The seeds for revolt were planted by the resentment at the non-inclusion at the decision making process given the fact that the Americans felt that they made significant contributions to the coffers of the British.At this point in time, the American colonies lacked any form of representation in the governing British Parliament (Greene 831). As such, many of the colonists felt that these new series of tax laws were illegitimate and therefore refused to honor them. America, at this point, was willing to wage war in order to be properly represented and to be allowed to take part in the decision making process (Blanco 757). It had now become a common sentiment among the Americans that there were so many things that they felt had to be done but were left unresolved due to their exclusion.America went to war not to prove that they were stronger but rather they went to war in order to set things right. America wanted to help the people in living an unsuppressed life and this was why they fought for independence. As history clearly reveals, the American Revolution was a successful one as it was a manifestation of the right of people to overthrow unjust and oppressive rulers and governments (Wood, 1993). The success of the American Revolution became an example of the first successful revolution against a European empire. It gave other colonies a model breaking away and become self-governing nations (Palmer, 1959).The French Revolution The French Revolution was a major turning point in European History as it signalled the end of aristocracy and marked the age of western Democracy. The citizens of a nation were no longer to be regarded as servants but as a dominant political force in determining policies of a nation (Doyle, 2002). There are many interrelated causes for the French Revolution. Perhaps among the most obvious cause was the rising ambition of bourgeoisie class who were allied with the lower class folk in their attempt to overthrow what was then perceived as an oppressive monarchy in France during that period (McPhee, 2002).With the hardships that the peasant class experienced during those times, the bourgeoisie was easily able to manipulate them and gain their support. The fiscal crises that ensued due to the insolvency of the French monarchy led to massive poverty and hunger in France and further attempts to remedy the situation by imposing higher taxes finally caused the lower classes to overthrow the rulers of France (Doyle, 2002). This was based on the economic issues that were attributed to the monarchy and its governance in society.Louis XV was engaged in numerous wars with other countries. These wars sucked the wealth of the country in providing for the costs of war. This therefore led to the bankruptcy of France. In effect, the taxes were raised higher to the discontent of the people. Moreover, there are also those who attribute part of the economic problems to Marie Antoinette who wasted the money of France in indulging herself needlessly while the country was suffering from famine and poverty. It was quite evident in that the country was in trouble.There was a high rate of unemployment while diseases and famine were lurking around the sidelines. This constantly increased at an alarming rate, the number of people living in starvation. This was further aggravated and multiplied because of the failure of Louis XVI to deal with these problems when his reign had come. Socially, there are also numerous factors that influenced the French Revolution. There was the vast resentment of royal absolutism. This further led to having negative sentiments against the professional and mercantile classes with regard to the bias noble and certain classes had.In addition to this, the privileged church became richer and richer while the poor and impoverished had less and less. The church exploited their po wer and influence in society at the expense of the citizens. Comparison between the French and American Revolutions The most striking difference between the French Revolution and the American Revolution is the impact that the revolution made on the course of history. The French revolution was basically an overthrow of an already existing regime (Doyle, 2002).The French were not subjugated or conquered people unlike the American colonists who were considered as such. The American Colonists had already retained an independent identity apart from being part of the British Crown (Wood, 1993). The French revolutionists, on the other hand, were part of France, citizens who wished to implement change in the ruling system in their attempt to alleviate their plight. The other distinct characteristic between these two revolutions is the motivation or reason behind the revolution and the goals that each revolution sought to accomplish.The American Colonists sought independence from the British Crown and to remove all oppression and corruption that they faced (Wood, 1993). The French revolutionists sought to implement change in the system and to overthrow the ruling class in France. The French revolution was not a fight for independence but rather a movement against oppression (Doyle, 2002). In terms of the manner in which the revolutions were made, the two countries differ oppositely. The French â€Å"rebelled† according to the exact nature and essence of the word itself.The French stormed the castle and established their own rule. On the other hand, the American dealt with the British government differently. First, they tried to negotiate with England. However, outcome of this negotiation with England came no productive conclusion. England simply ignored this which actually paved the way for the declaration of independence by America. But England did not respect this declaration and kept on meddling in the lives of the Americans. Thus, the war of the American Rev olution began.From a theological point of view, the two revolutions also are in contrast with one another. As mentioned earlier, the French violently rebelled immediately while the Americans first tried to negotiate peacefully. First of all, the Americans pursuit and struggle for independence was done through the guidance of moral values and influence of God. They sought to foster a way to achieve their independence without having to shed blood. While on the other hand, the French way was radically different. Their method was fuelled by an invigorating hate and resentment towards their oppressors.They executed anyone who had any affiliation with the aristocracy establishing a revolution of godlessness. In the context of revolution as an overthrow or repudiation and through replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed, it must be said that while the goals they sought to accomplish were different, both the American Revolution and the French Revol ution were truly revolutions. The American Revolution sought the overthrow of the British system and independence from the so called â€Å"colonizers†.Under the context of revolution as it is understood in class, this is a real revolution. The French Revolution is also a real revolution because it was mainly an uprising against the oppressive ruling class in France at that time. It must be pointed out however that had the French Revolution been carried out on a smaller scale and as against specific pillars of authority and power within the French political system, then it could have been properly considered as a rebellion instead.The French Revolutionists sought to change the established political system to improve their situation. Conclusion In conclusion, a revolution, in the real sense of the word, is any act or series of acts in an attempt to overthrow or repudiate an established government or political system by the people governed through replacement of the ruling class . Both the American Revolution and the French revolution possessed the same goals, the overthrow and repudiation of existing governments or political systems.A difference that may be made without deterring from the context of the word revolution as used is to classify the American Revolution as a revolution on a larger scale and as against a foreign government and the French Revolution as a revolution that seeks to overthrow the unjust and oppressive government. The societies in the world are greatly influenced by these two significant events. They remain as the lessons or guidelines that shape the way countries and governments deal and administrate those under their rule.Moreover, these events have been a model even to those individuals who have crazy, greedy and insatiable ambitions of acquiring power and wealth at the expense of other people. References: Blanco, Richard. The American Revolution: An Encyclopedia 2 vol (1993), 1850 pages Carnes, M. C. , & Garraty, J. A. (2006). The American nation: A History of the United States. Central Texas College Edition. Boston: Pearson. Doyle, W. (2002) Oxford history of the French Revolution, 2nd ed. , Oxford: Oxford University Press Greene, Jack P. and J. R. Pole, eds.The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution (1994), 845pp; emphasis on political ideas; revised edition (2004) titled A Companion to the American Revolution. McPhee, P. (2002) The French Revolution, 1789-1799, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Palmer, R. (1959) The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800. vol 1. Wood, G. (1993) The Radicalism of the American Revolution: How a Revolution Transformed a Monarchical Society into a Democratic One Unlike Any That Had Ever Existed. Alfred A. Knopf.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Storm by Kate Chopin - 1332 Words

The first thing I noticed about Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm,† is that it is utterly dripping with sexual imagery and symbolism. Our heroine, if you will, seems to be a woman with normally restrained passions and a well-defined sense of propriety, who finds herself in a situation that tears down her restraint and reveals the vixen within. I wonder if it was intentional that the name Calixta makes me think of Calypso – the nymph from Greek mythology. If half of the sexual symbolism I found in this story was intentional, Chopin was a genius. I was quite taken with the sexual imagery of the colors mentioned: white, and red. There is also mention a place called Assumption, while there’s nothing written on it in the bible, I believe it’s the†¦show more content†¦It’s no secret that storms bring a unique energy, something that is almost primal in nature. Animals react to coming storms because of this energy, I once had a cat who wou ld pounce all over the house in the hours before a storm arrived, when the storm hit, he would sprint from room to room, his tail bushed out like a bottle-brush and his pupils so large you couldn’t see the iris. As the storm builds in its fervor and ferocity, tension and passion build between Calixta and Alcà ©e to match. It begins with the gusts of wind that threatened to snatch away the clothing that was outside, hence Alcà ©e grabbing the trousers, and follows as â€Å"the water beat in upon the boards in driving sheets,† then â€Å"the rain beat upon the low, shingled roof with a force and clatter that threatened to break an entrance† (Chopin 336). The language grows more telling in that just after there is mention of something threatening to break an entrance, Chopin describes Calixta’s bedroom. The fact that it adjoins the room they’re in is completely unnecessary, unless there’s a reason for the reader to be aware of the bedroom . As the storm rolls on, Calixta goes to the window where she stands when the lightning bolt strikes a tree in the field. Lightning is a glorified spark, I believe this symbolizes the spark of passion renewed in both of our adulterers as the storyShow MoreRelatedThe Storm by Kate Chopin1238 Words   |  5 PagesKate Chopin is writing so many great stories about whatever she sees. Kate has many Wonderful stories such as, (The Storm, Desiree’s Baby, A Pair of Silk Stocking, A Respectable Woman, and The Story of an Hour). There is one story in particular that catches my mind which is â€Å"The Storm†. 0In Kate chopins era, women are seen as nothing more than a wife and have to stay with their husband for life. Chopin shows a dramatic scene between Alcee and Calixta during the time of a storm that is passing byRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin844 Words   |  4 Pages Kate Chopin writes a short story named â€Å"The storm.† The plot of the story where the author shows two married couples, a total of five people and two of them have an affair. We can see a woman who is a mother, a lover and a wife and her different reaction while performing each one of the different roles. After the storm the characters seem to reveal hidden aspects of them. The story begins when Bobinot and his son Bibi are at Fregheimer’s store and decide to stay there due to a storm that is comingRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pages Kate Chopin was an American author who wrote the short story â€Å"The Storm†. It takes place somewhere down in Louisiana at a general store and at the house of Calixta, Bobinot who is the wife of Calixta, and their son Bibi. The other character in the story is the friend of Calixta, Alcee Laballiere. The story begins with Bobinot and Bibi in the general store to buy a can of shrimp; meanwhile, at home, Calixta is at home doing chores when a storm develops, which makes her worry about Bobinot and BibiRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin1205 Words   |  5 Pagesmain character, Calixta, is interrelated with the setting of the story, â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin. In â€Å"The Storm†, setting plays the role as a catalyst that ignites Alcee’s and Calixtaâ€⠄¢s passion that then runs parallel with the storm. As their relationship builds together, Calixta’s natural desires become fulfilled; which without an outlet on the ability to express our emotions and natural desires, conflicts and storms result in our lives. In the beginning of the story, Calixta is very much intoRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin869 Words   |  4 Pagesespecially true in Kate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Storm.† Calixta went outside of her marriage for a sexual affair with Alcà ©e when he unexpectedly showed up and a storm came through. The three most prominent literary elements that were addressed in â€Å"The Storm† were foreshadowing, symbolism, and setting. First, there is foreshadowing in the story. Bae and Young agree that foreshadowing is when a story implies that something will happen in the future without saying it (1). In â€Å"The Storm,† an example ofRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin1649 Words   |  7 Pageslike writers in present day, Kate Chopin was a writer who wrote to reflect obstacles and instances occurring within her time period. Writing about personal obstacles, as well as issues occurring in the time period she lived, Chopin proved to be distinctive upon using her virtue. Kate Chopin was a determined individual, with true ambition and ability to produce writings that reflected women on a higher pedestal than they were valued in her time. â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin is a short story written toRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin851 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin was written in 1899 but was not published until several years later. She understood how daring her piece was and never shared â€Å"The Storm† with anyone. Chopin was born in 1851 to a wealthy father and an aristocratic mother. At the age of nineteen, she married and moved to Louisiana with her husband, Oscar. Chopin is known for writing realistic but sexually rich literature. Her short story â€Å"The Storm† conveys sex as a joyous part of her life and not a destructive one. Read MoreKate Chopin s The Storm Essay1339 Words   |  6 Pagesfamous writer Kate Chopin once said, â€Å"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.† The Awakening, (1899). Kate Chopin was widely recognized as one of the leading writers of her time. She was an American author of short stories and novels. She was born on February 08, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. She died on August 22, 1904, in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Written in 1898 but not published until it appeared in The Complete Works of Kate Chopin in 1969, The Storm has been widelyRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin1221 Words   |  5 PagesI also disagreed with â€Å"The Storm† by Kate Chopin, because it suggested that it is possible to be with more than one person at any given point. To me, love is trust, and without trust, love is nonexistent. Marriage is a commitment, a promise to be both trusting and trustful. To betray that agreement is not to love. Calixata expresses â€Å"n othing but satisfaction at their safe return† (727) and this reader has to wonder how she cannot feel guilt. Alcee wrote a â€Å"loving letter† to his wife, and this readerRead MoreKate Chopin s The Storm883 Words   |  4 PagesBasically, the setting in the short story of Kate Chopin ‘The Storm’ presents a clear demonstration of an illicit but a romantic love affair. Indeed, the title has been used perfectly to signify the adulterous love affair. Most importantly, it is evident that the storm has not been used as a mere coincidence but instead it has been used to steer the story and the affair forward. In fact, the storm has been significant during the start of the story, during its peak and ultimately in the end. Although